Monday, September 3, 2012

An opening blog/Darksiders 2 review.

A friend of mine started doing video game reviews, so being the follower that I am decided to do some myself. Just straight up, honest, no holds barred, reviews. Who knows, or cares, who long I'm going to keep this up, seeing as how I have the attention span of goldfish, but I'll try. Anyways, I've already made one up, so here it is.

"Darksiders 2, sequel to Darksiders. You play as Death, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Controls are clunky, map is clunky, fighting is clunky. It's slighty more non-linear than its prequel, but that doesn't make up for the fact that it outright blows.

and now an open letter to video game developers.

An open letter to video
 game developers,

Create games worth buying and people won't pirate your shit. Last game that wasn't worth pirating.... uhhhh doom 2? Secret of Mana? Final Fantasy 7? Last game worth the time to pirate...... ??????? Anyone who wants to contribute to the open letter, please do so now with a suggestion on something worth pirating.

With love, the gaming community.

A review by Willy"

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