Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Follow up:

So! I'm going to take requests, any game, any genre, anything. You all (whomever you are) can be part of my life. Assuming you enjoy reading this (granted I've just started, but I am enjoying it.... second day, WINNING!).

So (part two)!! Where was I? Ah yes! Video games, its stagnancy, and how to revive it (or not). The problem is primarily who is behind the great machine of gaming. It's big names who could care less about a well-developed title and would rather push out "hit" after "hit", beating a series into the ground until its either 1. unplayable or 2. unrecognizable. The latter of course referring to the Final Fantasy series, and the former... let's go with.... Dark-siders 2. Granted with DS2 its only the second in the series but its been done a million times where its not fun (see the God of War series, DS1, Devil May Cry series, and uhhhhh.... Dante's Inferno). Truly great games come from no name developers who aren't out to make a buck, but are out to make a fantastic game.

In my honest opinion the following are great games or developers:

  • First and foremost Valve. Valve strides to make exceptional games and attempts to break the mold. Half-Life? It's about a dude thrown into extreme circumstances. He's nothing special (aside from the fact that he's a scientist) and he rises above to become a God-like figure while he's just trying to survive to see tomorrow. I've also learned they are developing Dota 2, which is in a genre by itself, and fantastic (I never got into it, but I have many friends that are into it and I know the basic mechanics of it). One of the amazing things about Valve is they recognize genius and absorb it (in my eyes, for the good of gaming.)
  • Second, Square-soft. Do not confuse this with Square-Enix. Square-soft has produced so many of my personal favorites and favorites of almost anyone who has ever played a video game. The final game they created was actually awful, but that's beside the point. Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy (up to X-2), Vagrant story, Parasite Eve, Chrono Trigger, Bushido Blade, Super Mario RPG, Breathe of Fire, Rad Racer. All amazing titles, just plain and simple, straight up and down, left and right, amazing.
  • Third, and probably finally, Capcom. Mega-man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil. Nothing else needs to be said.
I know what you're thinking, didn't he just say he hated Street Fighter, and various other games he just listed as great? And aren't Square, Capcom, and Valve all big names????

Yes, yes, and yes... I'm willing to admit Street Fighter is a phenomenal game, and series. Again, I don't enjoy fighting games. I am willing to admit that the original concept for Street Fighter, a primarily 2D side scrolling fighting game is fantastic. My problem is with the fact that there are about 900 Street Fighter/SF variants where its a dead concept to me unless you're entering into tournaments. 

As for the big name companies, Capcom is churning out the same boring games over and over unless you're a die-hard fan of the series. Square is a dead company, taken over by Square-Enix which produces poorly written and confusing, linear wastes of time like Final Fantasy 13 or was it 14... I stopped counting after 7 (lies, I like 9 and 10). And last, Valve, as mentioned before they are the Google of video games. Absorb what's good, produce things people love.

And now the closer, how to revive the industry! First and foremost, you are the problem. Yes, you and me. Why you ask? Two reasons, 1. you buy the shitty shit shit games these awful companies make and 2. if you're like me and rarely buy a game... where do you go? Gamestop! Buying used games destroys the industry. How much money does a developer get when you go out to buy a used game? Zilch, nadda, nothing. It's basically pure profit for Gamestop and doesn't fuel developers to make a new hit game that actually deserves the daily third prize (dot dot dot). Second, the developers. Again, that shitty shit shit game I mentioned before. They make it, mostly because deadlines are pushed and too much money can't be poured into development because if it flops they can't make up that capitol they put into it. So! Piss poor titles are released. Example: FF13 is estimated to have cost 30-40 million dollars. Let's face it, the game looks pretty but that's basically all you have. They sold a massive 6.7 million copies at around 60 USD. That's 400 million dollars for a dressed up pile of dog shit. Only to churn out another steaming pile known as 13-2 (PRETTY DRESSES!).

One final question you're probably wanting to ask me, "Why don't you go out and make a game yourself??? ASSFACE!". I'll tell you!!! It'll be a shocker when you heard the answer, I know it! 

I don't have the drive, the know how, the time, the team, the patience, the funding, or anything else you can possibly think of. Remember, cynical depressed ass clown? 

Leave comments or whatever, I like feed back... oh and those ideas on games to review. Again, old or new. Any genre, any title. I don't care, I need something to fill my time while I'm waiting for my shift to start again.


  1. I should mention that you should insult my spelling and grammar on all my posts. Oh! and make sure that you do it in a way that I can insult you back. UR nowing wut eye r super sayin.

  2. I'd like to see a review about a game that you think is good beacuase the ratio of good games to bad ones is way off. You'd be writing for all eternity! Perhaps something like Resident Evil 1 or 2 or maybe a nice Breath of Fire! They don't all have to be brutal.

  3. I don't know. I'm really liking the brutal honesty of these couple posts. On a side note Final Fantasy 8 >9 that's just common sense brah. Say what you will about 10 (I love it too). I'd really really really like to see you do a review of Secret of Mana because it's my favorite SNES game and I'd like to see you write a review of Final fantasy 12 and how it was the beginning of a very bad thing. If I remember correctly you played 12 out of boredom so you'd be able to get out some good opinions.

  4. I could definitely get on the SoM train and then in contrast the FF12 for the return trip. I'll start up the SoM one and try to finish it before work.
