Monday, September 3, 2012

Two blogs in one day? WHAT!?

I feel I should elaborate on why I hate Darksiders 2, and more than that, almost all video games today. First you have to know a little about me. Here's somethings in no particular order with bulletpoints!

  • I'm cynical
  • I'm depressed and depressing
  • I was born with a nintendo controller in my hands (my father can attest to this).
  • I was a wow addict like so many others (started at release, quit in Lich King).
  • Awful at describing myself, so I stop here.
Here's the thing, 90% of video game designers/developers go with what works (good idea) but! when the past 10+ years of game releases have all been the same stagnant crap it gets old. I'll try to stick to recent games to prove my point. 

  • RTS: Starcraft 2, the most anticipated release in the category since WarCraft 3. Its exactly the same thing as SC1 with a few new units and a slight, and I mean very slightly updated graphics engine. Whoopity-doo! I played it through in let's say 8 hours, because I was bored and maxed everything I could out instead of going for objectives. The new style of missions was a good addition but its been done before: See Rise of Nations. Aside from that... you get a ranking system on BNet? Cool bro... 
  • Shooters: Where do I start? Halo series, Modern Warfare and similar titles series... see Counter-strike, or even Doom 2 LAN play. Same old shit over and over and over. The only redeeming game I've seen out of the genre is Tribes: Ascension. This game is actually worth a play, and its free. You don't even have to pirate it because the Devs are that genius! Granted it is essentially the same as Tribes and Tribes 2, but it brings a new (yet still done before) purchasing system, where you unlock new gear with either real money or fake money you ground out playing matches.
  • Racing games: I'm not even going to touch this fail genre. Mario Kart. That is all.
  • Rhythm Games: These are essentially party and social games, I'm not going to touch them because they are surprisingly well planned out and designed fairly well. I only play Rockband 3 and that's rare. It is nice that you get new music all the time, yet, the price... that awful awful price.
  • Fighting games: I don't play them for one reason, I'm awful at them. BUT! I feel I have to say this, they are all essentially the same game you've been playing since the original Street Fighter. If that's your thing, good for you. Again, I'm terrible, but I can see the fun in competing at a shop or what have you. It's still the same crap for years and probably years to come.
  • MMORPGs: My favorite genre. The industry really took off with WoW, I'm not saying its the original, I'm not saying its a great game, but I will say it is, by far, the best MMO out there for the last 8 years. Many have tried to "kill" it, no one has come close. People have stolen ideas from it to put in their games, it has stolen a lot from others to put in itself (talking like its a living thing, funny!). I could literally spend hours and hours talking about MMO's and how they have destroyed an already stagnant art form.
I just realized what time it is and I have to go to work, I'll finish this up later, assuming I remember....

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