Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

It's an rpg! I love rpgs! I do not love this one. It's got that Elder Scrolls kind of "I can run around and do anything at any time" kind of feel, which is good, but its not the same by any means. They also have a loot doesn't go anywhere system... so when something drops off a mob if stays there forever if you never pick it up... good idea, but in practice doesn't make much sense, especially for a game that is trying out realism (you don't immediately stop when running or walking you do a little slow step thing, when you attack the animation has to finish you can't just start doing something else), I mean if I was walking down the road and saw a dead wolf with something shiny in it.... someone is gonna pick that shit up!! Another thing about loot, when you sell to a vendor that vendor keeps the items forever, so you always have the option to buy them back if needed, and each vendor has his/her own list... so using a central vendor is basically an essential. On that note! You can steal items from other people, but you can't sell them to regular vendors if they are stolen.... how the hell is dink vendor in starting town going to know if the item I stole from the end of the game is going  to be stolen??? And 99% of the stolen stuff is useless, like old letters, and peasant's clothing... how?!

Okay, first paragraph was side-track city... onto number two! Combat! It's a simple real-time system. When in range or engaging an enemy you go into combat camera mode, where it basically stays on an enemy from your third person view. It's not bad. You can block, dodge, attack, and cast. Generally, you'll have two weapons and then specials. All three classes get a shield of some sort, so you block and if you have it unlocked you can do an attack from the blocking stance which will dodge out of the way too, kinda cool. I'm a caster, so with a staff it'll do a little pillar attack if there is an enemy in range and dodge me out of the way. I like it, but often times forget I have it because I have an upgraded blink move which looks bad ass, so I spam it. Ha! Dodging is simple, you have a direction and just roll or blink out of the way. Attacking, you have the two weapons I mentioned before. As a caster I'm using chakrams (duel mid-range weapons) and a scepter (long range). Most of the time I can just spam my attack and it'll interrupt the enemy where I can just spam it on him to death, even if the weapon is broken (makes no sense). Anyways, combat is decent, doesn't remake the wheel, but its acceptable.

Next up, miscellaneous shit you can do in the world. There is soooooo much populating this world. So much useless shit too.... remember the old letters I mentioned? Vendor trash like that is all over and its obnoxious. Most of the time you can't tell what is and isn't useful. Something MMO's seem to have gotten right, but single player rpg's can't grasp. There are also a lot of side-quests. I've played about 10 hours and I think I've done maybe 6 main quests otherwise its just quick travelling around doing side-quests for lulz. They also have a sort of mini game for dispelling and unlocking chests. The unlocking chests, you have a pick and you just keep testing spots on the lock till it unlocks, I'm getting pretty good at it. Dispelling, there is a circle with runes on it, you have to click the runes as a white thing spins around the circle and you have a certain amount of time to do it in. This is fucking impossible! I have yet to successfully dispel a single chest... Regardless, there is a lot you can do, you just have to find it.

Real fast, the quick travel feature. From what I can gather you don't get a horse or anything so its a lot of running around from point A to point B and then back to point A to turn in. The quick travel system is very nice, that you can just go to your world map, click a discovered point and travel there. Since there are a lot of quests that go from this side of the map to that side its ingeniously helpful.

Speaking of quests, this game has them! Mostly mediocre things like picking up remains, killing wolves, blah blah blah. There are some epic feeling ones though, but I feel cheated in the end. I just killed "The Widow"! OOO WEE OOO! It's a spider queen plaguing this town. Spoiler! I guess I shouldn't feel that cheated, I got my own house in the end, but seemed like no loot, which pissed me off.... and the town got bright and happy afterwards.... like I accomplished something.... End of Spoiler. Again, I haven't really even touched the story quests, but one of the big parts of praise on this game was its epic feeling and massive amount of things that mattered. I haven't gotten that feel yet. Dragon Age gave me more of that and that game is supposed to be short compared to this. I'll keep playing until the new X-Com comes out or I break down and get Guild Wars 2 and hope for something awesome....

What else... Combat... quick travel..... loot... quests.... OH! It's an rpg, so there are levels to be had right?! Of course there are! This game is unique for an rpg. You don't have a set class, which I fucking love! You know how normally you pick a class and you're just stuck with it forever... this one, as you level you just put points into whatever tree you're feeling at the time. Then at the end of the level up screen there is a destiny thing, which just gives a little boost to dmg or regen or whatever. The thing that I like is they actually have mutliclass options for this. They promote the idea to use all three classes! Then, get this, if you don't like it.... you just spend some cash and redo it all from scratch! HA!

Unfortunately, the class/leveling system alone isn't enough to make this game great. I'd say its worth a play, but definitely nothing to try to convince your 60-70 year old grandmother to play it and then have your boss steal it and have to use her to defend it and your reputation at work the next day because you were to stupid to make a backup of it, while your neighbor buys a monkey who learns karate and there is a voodoo shaman just hanging out getting high in his basement.... Man, Jurassic Park was a good movie.

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